domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013


If you can't fly, you walk
fast and faster than you think
against the people
against the wind

You run for your dreams
and if you can't go
you fall sleep
following the truth
than you want to know

If you can't fly, let me teach how
If I can't teach, let me learn from you
I wanna know how is it fee being the moon

One thing make me stop
Is the reason for my words
the reason for my wings
the reason which I walk
the reason for my hugs

If you think i'm a loser
is because i stop in front of you
I let my flight and dreams
following yours
and then creating a world
a world full of dreams
and empty in words

I'm not far from me
I just wanna know you
Cause I admire every single part from you
I know me, meeting you
I recognize my weakness, and fortress
following you

Sorry if I can't understand
but your eyes have something
that sparkle yet

I love life, cause when I see my reflection
I see the brilliant moment that I want to catch
I see the beauty in moments, persons like you

That's why you're my best reflection
cause when I close my eyes
you're the wind that I feel
the dreams which don't make me sleep
tha reason for my silence
the reason from me being free

Let me teach my world, my music
and then, you'll know why you're like the sky
full of stars, and songs.

If you can't fly, walk
Faster and faster than you think
for a future love
following star, downwind
or for your dreams

By Sophie

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